Orange County Lash Lift & Brows

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Lash Lift Training - Why You Should Learn

As a lash artist, I was happy with how my business was going until I realized I would have to expand my skillset. Luckily lash lifts were just opening up in the beauty scene and I said “hey, that sounds like something I would want!” So, I found someone in my area to do a lash lift on me and I was hooked.

Perhaps the best thing about lash lifts is the zero maintenance. As many clients mention, having to do your lash extensions every 2-3 weeks and pay the price sometimes doesn’t match up with their lifestyles. Lash Lifts bridge the gap between you and clients who WANT something, but only once.

Adding lash lifts to your menu allow you to book those empty slots in your schedule that you would normally have to find a long term client for. The training is affordable, the services are affordable for clients, and the good thing is you will cater to clients who want a natural look without the time and financial commitment.

Interested in getting training? Shoot me an email at - let me know where you’re located and I’ll be happy to help you out!