Volume Lashes - Why We Love Them

Have you ever looked at someone’s lashes and they looked so fluffy and full, you wondered ‘are those real?’ Volume lashes are entirely different from classic lashes in more than one way. The great thing about volume lashes is how versatile they are. Volume Lashes can be customized by the amount of lashes included in a fan (3D lashes include 3 lightweight lashes). The higher the number, the more dramatic the set gets.

When I first learned Volume lashes, I was amazed at how beautiful they looked on every eye shape and how lightweight they were. Even the most dramatic set is considered lightweight.

The price point makes many wonder ‘why are they so expensive?’ It’s a very valid question. Truthfully, volume lashes applied incorrectly by the wrong tech can cause a lot of future damage. The saying ‘you get what you pay for’ is entirely true. Volume lashes require concentration, steady hands, high-quality products, high-quality tweezers, extensive training, top of the line adhesive, more product than normal…. you get the picture. The list can go on and on. An experienced and reputable tech understands that a high quality set requires a lot of time. Most volume sets are 2.5 hours minimum.

From a professional standpoint, volume lashes compliment more face shapes and lifestyles than other lash styles. These lashes also last longer than classic lashes. Not only are they fun to do, they are more flattering on the client.

If you have questions about lashes in Laguna Hills CA please contact me, I would love to help you!